Doodled an island town background character, Tren. I haven't designed a new character in a long time

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Kevin's mouth chart is finished!! Now I can get onto making the character rigs in Toon Boom. Might take a while to figure that stuff out. Gif in replies

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Redid some parts of Nick's model sheet. This should be the last version before making his 2d rig.

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Benny's mouth chart!! His mouth movements and overall expressions will probably rely a lot more on moving the vector lines on his rig than the others. Though that could end up with me eventually doing the same with the others too. Gif in replies

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Aubrey's mouth chart! It was more so copy and paste from Nick's to hers. Benny and Kevin won't be so easy. Gif in replies

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Did a mouth chart for Nick. I referenced Hilda to get an idea for how the chin should move with the mouth. Gif in replies

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Nick's updated model sheet. Just did some slight tweaking to make details more consistent with each angle.

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KEVIN'S MODEL SHEET IS FINISHED!! Now all 4 of the main characters in the pilot are done but I still got some things to make smaller sheets for like props and side characters (Those will only have front and back 3/4ths angles)

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Late night Gunmage doodles

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AUBREY'S MODEL SHEET!! Took quite a bit longer to make than the others since there was a ton of small things I had to figure out. Most likely still gotta tweak a few things as I learn more about doing this in the future.

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Mavis redesign! Her body type was pretty much the same as Aubrey's so I had to try something new. She doesn't come in until the second episode so there's a lot of time to refine her until I need to make her model sheet.

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Listening to music that Aubrey probably would and one song had art that I wanted to try drawing her in the style of.
(Probably more reminiscent of Kipo ngl)
(Tuft and hair dye are not staying)

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100% subject to change before she's used. Leaving any sort of story writing for this to myself wayy in the future.

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Reverted Aubrey's shoes and shirt back to her older design colors.

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Aubrey redesign. Now I'd say she's ready for animation. I'll most likely tweak her look a tiny bit when I do the model sheet.

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Decided to fully design Jas and I've got a bunch of cool new ideas written for her and what she's involved with. She's most likely gonna get redesigned quite a bit between now and when I do anything with her.

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MAVIS REDESIGN. Redid her whole color palette to freshen it up and added the new stuff I was trying before. (New kicks too 👟)

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Fixed her up tenfold. What was I thinking before?? Tried a ton of new things with this doodle too that I'm gonna start using with my other characters. Jasmine "Jas"

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