//=time() ?>
Today is @the1973s mint and I am so so lucky to have minted this beauty by @PourFemmeNFT 🔥🙏🏼❤️ this is a mission that is so important to me. All proceeds benefit Planned Parenthood! The fight for Women’s Rights will never stop 🙏🏼 #NFT #womensrights
Women. Life. Freedom. Illustrated by @AtiehSohrabi
#iran #iranprotests #iranianartist #mahsaamini #illustrator #illustration #illustrationartists #IranRevolution #womensrights #womensliberation
Two different artists working simultaneously for the same mission #the1973s
Go vote. But be careful for whom you vote.
Follow for more cartoons!
#VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #Vote #VoteBlue #ElectionDay #Election2022 #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #WomensRights #comics #Politics #webcomic #webcomics #cartoon
केली शेकडो वर्ष काही लोकांच्या मेंदूतील मनुवादी किडे वळवळ करायचे थांबलेले नाहीत..धर्माच्या नावाखाली दुसर्यांच्या आयुष्यात दखल देत ते नेहमीचं ढवळाढवळ करत आलेत..या वृत्तीचा निषेध नेहमीच व्हायलाचं हवा!!या वृत्तीला मुळापासून उखडायलाचं हवं!!
#maharashtra #WomensRightsAreHumanRights
Today is #InternationalDayOfTheGirl and I stand in solidarity with Iranian Women demanding justice for #Mahsa_Amini . @cafreeland @JulietteBinoche @BeamPaints @beatonna #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #IranRevolution2022 #IranianWomen
@DEATHGIRL_NFT looking extra fire this morning. Did you know they support #SWOP ?
#NFTartists #WomensRights
Powerful women. Today's cartoon by @KhMarziyeh. More cartoons: https://t.co/Oj6r8LQzys
#womensrights #MahsaAmini #Iran
It’s about #WomensRights
It’s about #freedom
It’s about #MahsaAmini
It’s about #IranProtests2022
It’s about #Women_Life_Freedom
It’s not “their” problem.
It’s “our” problem.
Be our voice.
Let the world know.
Artwork by @ArtSoroor
Irán: derechos de las mujeres. Stop violencia! Stop represión! Libertad! / Bon diumenge, reivindicant amb l’art
https://t.co/FGJSyzQYn8 .
#Mahsa_Amini #womensrights #illustrations #art #DerechosHumanos #derechosdelamujer #Ilustración #arte #bibliotwitter
Another powerful piece of art.
#IranProtests2022 #WomensRights #hibjab #free #artontwitter
Solidarity with the brave women currently facing down the authorities in Iran and remembering those who have been killed in the struggle.
#WomensRights #IranProtests #Solidarity #MahsaAmini #Iran
For women,Life,Freedom ….
#MahsaAmini #Women_Life_Freedom #FreeIran #oplran #WomensRights
#مهسا_امینی #زن_زندگی_آزادی