❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I can't believe we're reaching the end of summer. At least these URs keep the warm weather around for a bit longer. Both Rin and Mari look amazing here and these illustrations are stunning! Happy Tuesday, folks!

2 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Riko's birthday might be at large today, but let's not forget about our other Aqours b-day this month with this UR! Wooby looks too cute here and this illustration looks dandy. Stay cute for us, Wooby! Happy Monday, folks!

3 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I'm also taking a liking to these SRs, too! Nozomi and Maru look neat, but both of the illustrations coming from Karin's SR sold it for me, especially that idolized one. Overall, amazing stuff here! Happy Saturday, folks!

3 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

We still have a couple of September b-days to get through! This Riko UR's literally where it's at. An amazing outfit and a great background does wonders for just one card. Overall, majestic stuff here! Happy Tuesday, folks!

3 28

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

More URs for us idol lovers to enjoy! Our Aqours 2nd-years look precious, but I really love the vibrant colors that come with Chika's UR. Our mikan looks so cute and the water looks so crystal clear! Happy Monday, folks!

5 27

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I'm so psyched to make Kotori's birthday tweet and this UR getting me in the mood to do so. The birb looks amazing in that outfit and the background looks pretty, too. Stay pretty, my precious birb! Happy Sunday, folks!

3 29

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

The URs are just arriving in drones, aren't they? Our Aqours 3rd-years look amazing, but the background in Kanan's UR looks beautiful and breathtaking. Overall, I'm happy with these majestic URs! Happy Saturday, folks!

5 22

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Colors, beauty, and more have been blessing these cards! Our Aqours 1st-years look great, but Wooby is simply...extremely precious. Also, that Nico SSR's pretty nice, too. Overall, great illustrations! Happy Thursday, folks!

4 22

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I'm in love with these URs and for all of the right reasons! Eli and Rin look amazing, but Maki's just incredibly great that I can't afford to look her down for just one second. Stay adorable, Maki! Happy Wednesday, folks!

3 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Today's tweet is brought to you by the majestic theater enthusiast in Shizuku Osaka. She's simply too precious and Shizucute and the background looks very colorful. So Shizucute! Happy Monday and a safe Labor Day, folks!

3 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I can't believe we're at the end of August, but these URs are doing great keeping summer afloat. Our Aqours 3rd-years look amazing and the illustrations look extremely colorful. Overall, nice stuff! Happy Wednesday, folks!

3 25

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

It's always a great day when new SIFAS cards drop! Our two blue-haired girls look greats, but Karin's idolized illustration really sold it for me. Also digging the hairstyles, too! Stay cute, girls! Happy Monday, folks!

7 23

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

The final race-girl URs are here at last! Nico and Nozomi look amazing as always, but I love the colors that Eli brings to the table. The backgrounds look very colorful, too. Overall, epic eye candy! Happy Sunday, folks!

5 23

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I could really go for a swim right about now. Thanks, Aqours! Yohane and Maru look spectacular, but Wooby really wowed me with that amazing hairstyle and colorful illustration. Overall, precious stuff! Happy Thursday, folks!

5 31

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

It's always a great day when you get some new URs with an incredibly great tomato tucked somewhere inside. Our u's 1st-years look amazing, but I just love Maki so much. Overall, amazing illustrations! Happy Wednesday, folks!

5 26

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Now these SIFAC crossovers are also extremely colorful! Our Aqours 2nd-years look amazing in their outfits. The backgrounds are what really got me interested with this set, though. Great stuff here! Happy Tuesday, folks!

4 27

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I've been very anxious for the SIFAC set to come into SIF. Our u's 2nd-years look amazing, but Honky's smile is simply perfection. The illustrations are also amazing, too. Overall, some great stuff! Happy Monday, folks!

4 23

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Holy smokes, are these UR illustrations colorful or what?! Shiny Mari and Shizucute are so precious, but that Eli UR was well worth the hype, especially that idolized gem. Overall, great stuff here! Happy Saturday, folks!

2 21

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

The more I look at these summer-related URs, the more colorful I see them be. Both You and Maru look absolutely precious in their illustrations and the backgrounds are well worth looking at. So cute! Happy Thursday, folks!

4 24