I have 0 time so here is some absolute garbage!

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well well well if it isnt the consequences of my own actions 🌺🌸🌺

4 7

I have some art I have to catch up on for S2 but here's a picture I drew after playing the episode that finally aired this week lmao sorry for all the unwanted bertie lore this ep 🤑💦💦


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Inktober 9 & 10 - 's Rook from in Normal and Scottish flavours.

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Trying to catch up w Inktober & remembered I actually started sketching him up around this time last year - so here's the general design process of terrible cleric elf I guess? Early 2018 I rolled his stats & just threw up ideas via heroforge & went from there

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I was reminded yesterday that I forgot to post this little doodle of Anya's best boy from during The Underwater Level, so here he is!

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So YOU'RE the assholes who killed my boyfriends in the lake a few episodes back

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Aurora: (donteatthemdonteatthemdonteatthem)

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Anya: Ace Attorney
(verdict - still guilty)

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Here's a disgustingly cutsey Rook, for completionism

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