A Valentine's Day with VKou 💙💜
First theme for the : Sweet Tooth!

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Day 762 of the (Kalos)

- Zygarde

A being composed of a gathering of mamy squishy cells. It grows stronger as the need to defend the ecosystem intensifies.

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Day 758 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Rayquaza

Ancient murals depict Rayquaza taking this unique form whenever it has to defend humanity from calamity amd utter devastation.

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This has to be one of my favorite pics that I finished last year for sure.

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Day 754 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Sceptile

Mega Evolution granted it explosive qualities. It can now shoot the tip of its tail like a seeking missile towards its foes.

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Lapras was one of my first favorite Pokemon so of course I had to go all out for this pic.

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Day 745 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Scizor

Thanks to Mega Evolution its pincers take on a brutal appearance. Even the slightest pinch is capable of ripping anything to shreds.

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Day 743 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Aggron

Mega Evolution purified its body, turning Aggron into a beast of pure unbreakable steel. No attacks are capable of scratching its armor.

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Day 737 of the (Kalos)

- Trevenant

A kind and caring being to the Pokémon living in the woods, but its sinister side is revealed to those who wish to harm its beloved forest.

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Day 736 of the (Kalos)

- Phantump

According to old tales, the spirits of children who died in a forest are destined to become this Pokémon after possessing rotten tree stumps.

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I could've made him cool or scary but I liked the Ferdinand vibes better

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Did the over on IG and recreated this Mazzuchelli classic.

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