Take my hand and we’ll fly.

and in The creation of adam - Michelangelo, 1508-1512

this was for the collab! i put my own spin on it but maybe that wasn’t the best idea seeing everyone elses-

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🔺Christopher I on His Imperial Throne 🔺

ㅡa Bang Christopher Chan fanart based on a classical painting, but with a twist

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A Fair Beauty by Herbert Gustave Schmalz (1889)

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I thought Jeongin would look good in the “Self-Portrait with Chinese Lantern Plant” by Egon Schiele

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Girl With A Dove - Charles Joshua Chaplin

Had such fun participating in this collab, even tho I wish I did a better job😖pls make sure to check out all the other artists too!!!

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Summer is Icumen In - Herbert Arnould Olivier, 1902

I can’t do full-body lol but here’s pretty boy Minho as spring ends and summer enters! 🌷☀️

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My piece for the event !! The original is from Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年)- One Hundred aspects of the moon (Taketori), A painting telling the story of the famous Kaguya-hime. I drew Danceracha as Kaguya and her maidens :>

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