These girls are more handsome than guys irl .

- Min ( My Princess Charming)
- Heemin (Love Countdown)
- Seung-ah (Please get out of my house)
- Myeongin (Relationship Guidelines)

10 93

yves could be myeongin too... her duality

6 47

— not a huge kpop fan but enjoys IVE's music
— Yujin-biased

10 140

teen myeongin adult myeongin

222 1484

⚠️i love,yoo spoilers ⚠️


0 5

myeongin smiling...

179 1811

Estos dibujos son para un concurso en Instagram, pero los subo por aquí ya que me gustaron djdndjd.🤍💐

3 13

myeongin leaning her head on jiwon every time she communicates with her,,i can't do this..

16 115

lo mucho q amo los dibujitos casuales que epum hace de myeongin y jiwon

1 1

When Jiwon and Myeongin finally opened up about their feelings to each other:

29 516

i like how Myeongin from this turned into this

48 365

can we talk about how beautiful Myeongin in side view is

7 84

I'm in love with Lee Myeongin

124 792

Myeongin will be the death of me

120 999

headcanon dove jiwon e myeongin dormono assieme e jiwon quando si gira nel sonno tira le gomitate in faccia a myeongin

0 2

Not me searching in google "Yeongi hirahara butt" :/

0 8

what's happening, i was looking at Myeongin picture and 4 hours passed

0 10