*orv cw // bl , joongdok , nsfw (jaga2)

KDJ: Bentar, aku tanya lagi biar lebih yakin. Serius kamu mau pacaran sama aku?
YJH: Iya, serius. Cuma kamu yang bisa mengalahkan 33cm aku.
KDJ: ...
YJH: ...

Dan mereka pun nge—*sebagian teks hilang*

37 340

*orv cw // gxb , bl ship joongdok (?) , punisher x dokja , spoiler character punisher , art by sender

apapun gendernya.... yjh tetap di atas. (absen yg mau menghamili kdj.)

211 1169

*orv cw // slight bl ship joongdok (caption) , art by sender

haha yjh jawa. siapa setuju sender gambar bininya (dokja) juga? tapi pakai kemben.

12 139

orv! CW // BL , ship JOONGDOK , nsfw (jaga jaga) , hint mpreg

Tenang, kalo KDJ bunting YJH pasti tanggungjawab

298 2696

*orv cw // bl , joongdok

POV: ketika KDJ dijadiin pacar dadakan supaya YJH bisa nolak stalker yandere

61 514

orspoiler - cw // bl , ship joongdok

(art by sender)

bucin 999 yjh

48 355

cw // orspoiler , ship dokjoong , ship kdj/yjh , ship kdj/punisher , bl , bxb , implied nsfw , art by sender

ayang 😭😭💔💔 kok kamu cukur sih yang 😭😭😭💔 ayang kok kamu gitu 😭😭😭

19 129

orv! cw // spoiler , slight joongdok (?)
throwback to the great war of saint and demon arc, when yjh found out he's a character from a novel and tried to kill kdj because he feels betrayed that kdj chose to save yjh from the 1863th regression turn </3

14 136

A little guide on how I draw hyh vs yjh and the differences

I'm going to lose my mind if I see one more person calling my yhyj work as joongdok

I get it if people get hyj and kdj wrong, but hyh and yjh??? Their bangs are so different please

146 966

orv! cw // bl ship joongdok , crossover windah basudara crispy cendy , art by sender

semua jg harus liat... yjh bukan bocil gim horor....

0 308

Warning orspoiler BL Ship JoongDok
Hai haii! Kalo mau, masih bisa dapetin freebies Transparent Photocardnya YJH nihh tinggal 3 Hari lagi, sebelum Mail Order Formsnya ditutup!📢 https://t.co/Hg4oDpWh1F

0 4

Warning orspoiler BL Ship JoongDok
Liat deh, lucu kan JoongDok berduaan gini hehe, kalo mau, masih bisa dapetin freebies Transparent Photocardnya YJH nihh tinggal seminggu lagi sebelum tutup! https://t.co/JeLGTFVAqA

3 19

You’re not convincing anyone, YJH

10949 103453

🌌 cw // bl ship joongdok , art by sender

GUSY AKU MAU SETORAN. streamer!yjh and his fwuffy boyfie kdj.

40 307

🌌 cw // bl , joongdok , nsfw

KDJ kalo dikasih free trial oleh YJH. Ytta 🙂

366 3236

dogboy yjh 😋

281 1626

🌌, orff

Agak random, tapi sender dapet ide fanfic joongdok (driver gojek!kdj x driver grab!yjh) yang enemies to lover. Plis para author au bikin 😥😥

88 707

🌌 cw // ship bl , Joongdok

[😡🎮❌] bf x [😏🎮🏆] bf

Funfact: YJH is a pro-gamer, so he's good at playing games. As for KDJ, he likes watching game broadcasts, so he actually knows a lot about games. But when it comes to playing games, he's not that good

401 2854