Olivia takes a photo of a map of the maze for safe keeping!

“Wait. Isn’t that cheating?” - Short Comic - Map

3 18

Terry has some big news for Risa!

“Ter! You don’t mean...” - Short Comic - Enrolment

9 26

Terry and Risa are rushing to catch the fireworks for the evening!

“The fireworks will be starting any minute now.” - Short Comic - First Light

9 29

Risa notices a familiar face at the gaming competition!

“She’s a classmate who’s also quite the gamer.” - Short Comic - Classmate

6 28

Risa and Terry explore the convention centre and their exhibitors!

“Even salesmen selling all those infomercial products” - Short Comic - Convention Centre

7 19

Risa gets her height checked by the attendant.

“Oh nevermind. You’re good to go.” - Short Comic - Tall Enough

8 30

Risa’s proud to be tall enough for this ride!

“I’m not worried at all!” - Short Comic - Height Requirement

4 20

Terry warns Reese not to eat anything before going on rides.

“You mean throw up?” - Short Comic - Carnival Food

6 23

Risa’s excited about all the things they can check out at the festival!

“I wonder what we can check out first.” - Short Comic - Slow Paced

7 18

The names of events keep changing from time to time.

“But I always call it the Riverfest.” - Short Comic - Rebranding

6 18

Risa’s brother had some extra passes to share with Risa!

“Yes, I’ll use them.” - Short Comic - Extra Passes

4 14

Berry is letting Yogurt rest out her hangover.

“I really said a bunch of weird things last night.” - Short Comic - Hangover

10 39

Yogurt’s back in her room feeling a little tipsy.

“I want a bath. Let’s go take a bath!” - Short Comic - Tipsy

7 35

Yogurt’s Dad hopes to share a drink with Yogurt some day!

“The taste was not what I expected.” - Short Comic - Toast

6 27

Yogurt takes her first sip of wine!

“I wonder if it’s like juice.” - Short Comic - Wine Tasting

7 35

Yogurt anxiously prepares herself for her first glass of wine!

“I wonder how it’ll taste...” - Short Comic - Decant

7 33

Yogurt’s dad is letting her try some of the local wine for dinner!

“Really? You’ll let me drink?” - Short Comic - Drinking Age

6 20

Yogurt and her dad have lots of cherries to bring back!

“This is a lot to eat, even for the three of us.” - Short Comic - Freeze

5 15

Yogurt gets a surprise guest during her picking!

“But I can still pick some more.” - Short Comic - Bug Off

6 19

Yogurt is going cherry-picking!

“Just how much are you going to pick!?” - Short Comic - U-Pick

4 17