Thanks for being YOU in the world today. We're lucky to have you. ♥

(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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It's good that you're here trying, I promise.
You can handle today! I believe in you. ♥

(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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Please be gentle with yourself today. You deserve the kindness and care, truly.

(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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In case you needed that reminder today.

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Please be gentle with yourself today. You deserve the kindness and care, truly.

(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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You are enough. I promise. Please say it to yourself a few times if it sounds like a lie.

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of You Deserve Nice Things

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GM 🧬

Have a day 🌱 💨

Welcome to my 2nd animation

Inspired by the and the healing trichomes that covers the leaves and flowers of the cannabis 🪴

Forever grateful 💚

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