Brotherhood: being there when your brother needs you the most

What if Jiang Cheng reached out a hand to a brother in need, or alternatively, what sweet dream wwx had after being torn by his own monsters

229 515

day 3: Brotherhood

The day when they lost their home

409 845

day 2:

In the future, you'll be the sect leader and I'll be your subordinate, like your father and my father. 🙋🏻‍♂️

763 1316

The promise unbroken. Because unlike a certain gremlin, Sandu Sengshou never broke his promise to protect his Shixiong from dogs 🐕

182 474

Days long gone.

(cheating a little since I drew this a little while ago and it’s not a new piece but it’s a yunmeng siblings event! 😭💕)

673 1412

Never ending thanks for the best big sister in the world 💜
Day 1 with Shijie 💞💞💞

848 1626

| Day 1: Childhood

Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying doing Jiang Yanli's hair, one more successful than the other, both tried their best

416 818