2. 모던 코믹스의 캡틴 마블
2-1) SHAZAM!: Power of Hope
짧은 책으로 캡틴 마블이 어떤 영웅인지 잘 보여주는 책. 그림이 멋지고 책 크기도 크니 종이로 보는 걸 추천하지만 절판이네요. Justice League: The World's Greatest Superheroes by Alex Ross & Paul Dini에 관련 시리즈 수록됨.

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Considerando os números iniciais que tivemos até agora, acho que Shazam! vai acabar terminando com uma bilheteria global entre 100/150 milhões. É algo que nem a pessoa mais pessimista esperava.

Estou curioso pra saber os números do 🇧🇷, filmes da DC sempre costumam ir bem aqui...

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Shazam! already has so many amazing covers

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SHAZAM! I’ve been working on this one for a while, but i figured i should finish it for release.

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Dibuka dgn suguhan yg epikaksi, David F. Sandberg memaksimalkna PG-13 yy terlihat dr titik berat film ini pada ‘keluarga’. Perpaduan efektif antara unsur fantasi dan aksi, kita seperti melihat gabungan Harry Potter, GoT dan film superhero jadi satu.

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March 18th
in Round Rock, TX
Noon to 3pm
In-Store Signing
Written & Illustrated by Yehudi Mercado

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Six superpowers. Bad guys. A nerd friend. Family and the hero... He is basically 15.

Incredible posters for Shazam! (2019)
1- by
2- by
3- by
4- by

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Captain Marvel/Shazam! and his rogues

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Superman/Shazam!: First Thunder読んだー!映画前に読めて良かった! Middleton先生の絵柄とキャプテンマーベルが持つ多彩な表情がマッチしていて見応え有ったー。大人側のクラークがティーンヒーローの問題を指摘してくれるの凄く良かったなぁ

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods sudah tayang di bioskop.

Jangan buru-buru keluar bioskop karena ada Mid dan Post Credit Scene. Iya, 2 credit scene dikasih buat kamu.

Pastikan pantengin sampe ujung banget ya!

Gaskeun kaaaakkkk

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Shazam! Fury of the Gods ini semacem oase di tengah padang pasir.

Mumpuni secara plot, dialog, visual effects, dan struktur untuk sebuah film superhero.

Tak banyak film yang mempunyai sequel lebih bagus dari film pertamanya.

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THE SHAZAM FAMILY IS FINALLY HERE. Official style guide Theatrical artwork for Shazam! Fury of the Gods I had the pleasure to work with

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In this week's Line it is Drawn, our artists drew your suggestions for other comic characters transforming using magic words, a la "Shazam!"


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Moth zam! Moth zam be upon yee!

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There is ONE MAN I want you all to vote for and they call him PRINCEZAM!!! https://t.co/r95bBdN3tb

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Darla Dudley in ‘SHAZAM! Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily matters’

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