Oggi mi ha fatto tornare in mente questo zuccherino <3

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calls Laura Zuccheri's and Philippe Thirault's adaption of Robert Silverberg's DOWNWARD TO THE EARTH "a very readable science fiction adventure," commending Zuccheri's "great visual imagination" once again in this work.

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DOWNWARD TO THE EARTH has arrived! Philippe Thirault and Laura Zuccheri have brilliantly adapted Robert Silverberg's classic novel!

"When Silverberg is at the top of his form, no one is better." - George R.R. Martin

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Good to hear from and again. This upcoming GN based on novel looks cracking. Take a look at those magnificent pages from artist : https://t.co/V3SkRiPaxA

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Un carillon fatto di per augurarvi una buona di 🎄 ma aspettate un momento ✋🏻sapevate che i datteri sono ricchi di ferro💪🏻, contengono zuccheri naturali 👍🏻 sono un vero e proprio antinfiammatorio naturale?

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Oggi nel 1839 nasceva il pittore francese di origine italiana

(Natura morta con zuccheriera, 1888-90; olio su tela, 61x90 cm)

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