ZWART Disguise type(TrainerⅡ)

2 14

My two Advent Calendar Box Surprises from and were airdropped to me!
Meet Olentzero and Zwarte Piet! 2 Christmas Legends, Spanish and Dutch. So interesting to learn all these new stories 🙏🏼💙✨ So much fun!

4 12

Here’s a version with Zwart too! (These are technically supposed to be oc art -specifically of Hades and Scarlet- but the art is general enough that you don’t need to care/worry about that~)

6 25

Paolo Veronese, „Noli me tangere”, 3. tercja XVI w., 67 x 95 cm, Musée de Grenoble

Czwarta, ostatnia cześć malarskich peregrynacji z Juliuszem Słowackim.
Veronese, Murillo, Rafael, Fra Angelico.
Czy poeta przeżył we Florencji „syndrom Stendhala”? Wątek⬇️

15 42


HELL 七央晃良
CV :支倉臣

4 5

Rozpiska streamów na ten tydzień/Stream schedule for this week:
❤️‍🔥Poniedziałek/Monday - 18:00-22:00
❤️‍🔥Środa/Wednesday - 18:00-22:00
❤️‍🔥Czwartek/Thursday - 17:00-21:00
❤️‍🔥Niedziela/Sunday - 18:30-22:30

Grafika to emotka od kochanej 💜 (mała zapowiedź nowości😉)

3 17

This would be crazy! I have Guilmon Alter-D (destroyed) bc i love omegamon zwart defeat. His lore is that he's infected by virus which makes him wither slowly, so he always loses fights but never gives up. His evo is going to be him overcoming the virus and becoming stronger!

3 13

We've finally reached the end of this round, 🐾
Finishing off is Z for Zwartbles Sheep 🐑

7 32

Z is for Zwartbles Sheep, the final in with Again, with
Thanks for this round, !
Have a good week!
⁩#sciart ⁦#ink

13 59

Z is for the final one for this ⁦⁩ round! Also that cardinal, I can’t believe I pulled him all the way through! 🙃😆 .. Congratulations to Everyone that participated! Well done! 🥳👏

31 77

The final Animal Breeds... of DOOM. Z is for the Zoophagous Zombified Zwartbles Sheep of the Zymolitic Zoological Zone.

7 50

Weten jullie wel hoe schilderachtig móói een zwarte huid is en hoe ongehoord veel schakeringen die heeft?😍

1 36

Bezig met een aantal oefeningen (1,5 uur per keer) in zwart, wit, en één steunkleur, om sneller kleine portretten te kunnen schilderen.

Foto door

0 6

Random Digimon I remembered was Omegamon Zwart lol

Dunno why but I thought maybe it'd make a good partner for you 😏 There's also Canoweissmon for a certain someone 🤣

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