Since SoS:FoMT is coming out tomorrow, here’s something I drew a while back! owo the bachelors and bachelorette’s kids if they ever had kids! what do ya think?

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Well I ended not making it into the contest but still a great moment to share again my fan art!

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its and I'm preparing to wind down for my birthday weekend!

This week is Selena from Harvest Moon: Animal Parade!

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i heard the mineral town remake is arriving soon, so here are my two favs from animal parade

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"I asked you here today because I wanted to make sure...You're not human, are you? You put some kind of spell or curse on me, didn't you?"

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Finished my side of the art trade for my queen of her Story of Seasons queen, Popuri ☺️

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Finally fully finished Valerie's reference! I'll fully explain her story(?) and the game she's a fan character of below uwu

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I made a thing! A sticker thing! Excited to see how it'll tyrn out!!

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Who is your bachelor of choice?! So excited to play this game! I remember picking cliff and kai a lot in the original game.


1. Rick
2. Cliff
3. Gray
4. Doctor
5. Kai
6. Brandon

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A crossover of Silver Spoon and Harvest Moon (specifically using Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns outfits) as I enjoy both dearly UwU

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Ludus again--have I mentioned that I love the patterns on his outfit?

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The kids in Trio of Towns are such delightful characters--I liked to imagine my farmer sitting down to draw and talk with Collin and Noel.

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Some drawings from when I first started playing Trio of Towns.

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harvest moon is my go to for shippy art.

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