me, whispers: that’s not what you said in your birthday date—🤭

gods i love this dress and this is what i ultimately settled on (until i get the new years items HAHA still kind of winter themed)

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anyway spicy vampire kiss

“Fresh blood flowed out continuously from the corner of Evan’s mouth and was swallowed by me, drop by drop, like I wandered the desert for too long and drank my first sip of water. I sucked at him and my body irresistibly softened.”

2 6

E: However, speaking of makeup, I need to thank you for doing mine tonight.
MC: No, no, no, I should be thanking you for trusting in my cosmetic skills.
MC: It’s my first time doing makeup for someone else!

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[EVAN’S HOUSE] i screwed up and didn’t grab the picture in time before the other part opened LOL didn’t realize it would do that even when i didn’t read the stories yet…

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> I looked around and just as I was considering how to “safely fight” a soft clump suddenly struck my arm.

> I raised my head questioningly only to see Evan weighing a pillow in his hand.

E: How about using this?

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E: I’m curious about what sort of place matches the word “fight” in the mind of a certain Miss?
MC: Probably like a boxing hall, where you can release stress.
MC: But in a camper it really is hard to make come true.

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E: Maybe because seeing you occasionally brandish claws and teeth and hop makes you seem like you want to find me for a match.
MC: Where!

> I argued for a second and then stepped on the thick carpet to the bedroom. Evan closed the door and his closed lips rose.

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MC: Of course, without such a big space, how can we fight?
E: Fight?

> Evan froze and then laughed.

E: So that’s what it is.
MC: I’ve been wanting to ask, why did you write fighting?

0 0

> Half of his body leaned closer to me and strands of our hair mixed.

E: We need to obey the rules.
MC: … Right!


> I returned Evan’s hold shallowly. He slid his fingers through the gaps of mine, buckling down the warmth.

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[Statue Plaza] i’m just!! gesturing emphatically at the Atmosphere Between The Lines writing that always happens with Evan

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anyway started the day celebration for real and !!! they finally reused this outfit from his perma snow date~

1) dunno why it surprised me that he can cook but it must have been how naturally he went into the kitchen
2) 兔子小姐 🥺

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preemptively creating a thread for 【宴色诱惑】 enticing feast because !!! bOY THE PULL SCREEN LOL

19 47

MC: After we stack them, we’ll randomly pull them at the same time and then spend your birthday according to these matchups.

> Seeing Evan’s lack of response, I rested my chin in my hands and leaned in towards him a little.

MC: Scared?

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gonna do a quick image spam of 【倒影】 for my own records. and yup it really looks like the 6stars stand the rest of time LOL which is a relief since i do have all the 5stars in this game now

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C: The weather’s growing cooler, let Warson go bankrupt.
MC: ?

> I didn’t expect him to pick this phrase and was stunned for a moment.

C: Just this and you’re swooning at my domineering air?

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Evan 【犹在镜中】 Despite everything it’s still you in the mirror— HAHA no omg i misread this as 犹豫 all this time. i need to get my eyes checked 🙃

also reading these faster than i can unlock the other side but i have to share this one so card preview it is!

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J: Hrm… then I’ll have to ask big sister to please give me support in her Moments.

he’s doing the wink and jiejie combo too 😂

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okay the ducky sticker is way cuter than i thought HAHA

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HEY NOW. why are all the truth cards so sad?? this one was “Have you tried sleeping nude? Did you like it or not?” and i started screeching because like LMAO WHAT KIND OF QUESTION

but oh god his response…

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