내가 다음으로 애정하는😘 슙뷔

89 258

“he needs someone like yoongi personality”

“when i'm tired and lying down, suga hyung suddenly comes and hugs me tight”
“suga hyung most likely to brighten someone’s day”

232 658

내가 가장 좋아하는😘 슙뷔

82 287

taegi artdumps from memories of 2018 because i can't pick one

189 520

연하공 마쉿다

141 560

maybe if they posted their selca :<

76 239

🎹 피아니스트 슙 X 농부 태 🍎

35 124

to sum off taegi week with taegi at muster 🐯🐱

54 143

「next door」
as if we were calling for each other
all of this not a coincidence

59 196

and at last I see the light
now that i see you

76 173

「singularity x seesaw」
have i gained you or have i lost you in this repeated seesaw game?

149 343