Kitagawa Utamaro, The Chushingura Drama Parodied by Famous Beauties: A Set of Twelve Prints (Komei bijin mitate Chushingura, junimai tsuzuki), 1789

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May I?
First art by @/Maura1789
Second one by @/tofuuchi

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No one paints the apocalypse better than John Martin (1789 – 1854)

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Hi hi I'm ben I am a variety streamer that streams when ever I can ❤
First one done by @/tofuuchi
Second one done by @/Maura1789

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May i?I?
Second one done by @/tofuuchi
Third one done by @/Maura1789

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May I join? My favorite drink is hot Chocolate
Art by @/Maura1789

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Master Hare (1788-1789)

Sir Joshua Reynolds

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Sir Thomas Lawrence’s Portrait of Queen Charlotte (1789)

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Frederika Sophia Wilhelmina of Pruissia (1751-1820), Equestrian portrait of the Wife of Prince Willem V, 1789

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Here we are! The exhibition with the french art collective "1789NFT" begins today✨
You can now discover my 4 pieces on AND in physical at the 😍

Any kind of support is highly appreciated💙🔁
More details about it👇

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