K s0 u look AMAZING, gorg, friendly, approachable, but i really think u should consider being a k00l alien 10/10

0 5

güd😬😰😱😵 evning,,,😍😘🤪🤪🤪 st4y c00L🙂😎😎😋😎 evry1###😍😎😎😎

0 8

posting this green natasha alone bc she looks c00l

4 21

Hi I'm Len from 🇮🇩!! I draw digitally with a 🐁 and mostly draw boys (even tho I want to draw girls sometimes kssk). Also let's do our best and keep up the good work here eeyy :"0!!

Thanks for hosting this, Nau!! You're c00l 👉👈

0 9

Ah two great styles.

Nepgear would totally make Neptune a Gundam, since we have Nepgeardam, but make it accurate to the show.

Megatag could work for Neptune’s Goku Uniform. (hehe Goku) with HDD as the transformation, C00L could be an upgrade. After all Nonon has an “MK2” form

0 1

Doodle of them two before I sLeEp
I just realised I have sch00l tommorw

1 7

Congrats for 2.2k!! Here's to more~ 🎉🎉
Here are just some of my OCs! I love my children to Death and I love putting anguish expressions on them hehu 🤧💕
Tagging some fwends who may have sum c00l OCs to share too 😎:

2 5

Maki! Commissioned by !

She's actually another c00l artist that has a charming style, I suggest go checking her stuff out ' v '

35 169

Here's to our first year together in art sch00l💗✨ We call ourselves the clowncil okay 😔.
Every hour is missing the homies hour

1 19

savv mak3 thls and vvant3d 2 mak3 my 0vvn!
0ld3st 4 m3 vvas back ln 2012, l dldnt hav3 1 ln 2011 vvhlch vvas th3 statlng 0f my hlsch00l!

1 2

SPhynxes are c00L.
// cool comparison, left is without a sketch, right with a sketch

17 125


0 11

the most chaotic vlive hsjkjs missing 00l dreamies ღ˘◡˘ற♡

0 2

let that mlem add some spicyness to the gameplay~
sm00l gift for my bf

1 9


まこ&みゆう営業 19:00-23:00L.O.


おつまみ×酒 こもれび。

4 18

He's coming to give you a kiss for being k00L

3 29