# 絵を彩度100にすると超派手

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Madonna and Child and Young Saint John the Baptist
Sandro c. 1495


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ゆるキャン△単行本4巻扉絵で、千明が履いているブーツは、SOREL WINTER CARNITAL (NL1495-723 CLOUDBURST/BLACK)ですね


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Альбрехт Дюрер. «Инсбрук, вид с севера». 1495 г. Галерея Альбертина. Вена. Австрия.

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The Last Supper
-1495, Leonardo da Vinci

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Virgin and Child Crowned by Angels
c 1490-1495 by Colyn de Coter (Art Institute Chicago)

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Portrait of a Young Man (c1495), Deposition (1495) & Baptism of Christ (1496-8). The portrait of the young man is an essay in empathy & loving description- it seems likely this may have been Perugino’s partner given its intimacy & dreamlike pose.

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Perugino’s Madonnas are particularly attractive & would have been used in private chapels, of well to do Italians, for devotion. (The varnish on the Madonna has clouded the image). Madonna & Child (c1495), Madonna in Glory (1495-6) & St Sebastian (1495)

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The Last Supper
Leonardo da Vinci, 1495

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この頃 はフランスの侵攻を受けメディチ家は失脚。享楽的な社会を批判するサヴォナローラが登場。虚偽によって無実の男が糾弾される様子を描く。

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Il silenzio è sacro.

Nicholas Sparks

Sandro Botticelli
Compianto sul Cristo morto,

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He was in Milan from 1482-99. There he was commissioned to paint the astounding Virgin of the Rocks. There are two versions, by him, one in the Louvre (1483-6) & one in the National Gallery, London (1495-1508). The Louvre has a pointing angel which he removed in the 2nd work

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