Portrait of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 1636 Justus Sustermans (1597-1681)
Drawings of the Moon by Galileo Galilei, from Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger) 1610

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“Something’s Rotten in the State of Deadpool”

in 1564 or around then....poet, playwright, actor, England's national poet & the "Bard of Avon" also passed away on this day 23rd of April 1616.

Art via Mike Mayhew 💀📜

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Did you know that William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died on this day in 1616?
Want to learn more about his wonderful words and phrases? Take a look at our illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary here: https://t.co/2fQWj3M21U

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Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525- 9 September 1569 ) was a Dutch Flemish painter.Η Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου 1564

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Güzelliğin tarlasında zamanın sabanıyla açtığı izler
Michael Drayton (1563- 1631)

Güzelliğin meydanında derin siperler kazdığında
William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) 

Park Honan, Shakespeare: Bir Yaşam s. 264

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Joos de Momper the younger (1564-1635)-'village in the winter'-oil on wood Hamburg-Kunsthalle

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Oldboyzine vol.1 ออกแล้วเรียบร้อยนะคะทุกคน
ข้างในก็มี1564ของวินอยู่ด้วย เป็นคอมมิคสี 16 หน้า! และ ยังมีของอาร์ตติสท่านอื่นๆอีกด้วย
เริ่มต้นแค่ 2 usd!
ตามลิ้งค์นี้ไปได้เรย! https://t.co/nIo9KlmbFu

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A Striding Soldier, after the Battle of Cascina. follower of Michelangelo Buonarroti. Italian 1475-1564. red chalk, stumping.

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Michel-Ange (March 6, 1475- February 18, 1564, Florentine) -La Pietà, 1498. Sistine Chapel Ceiling : Delphic Sibyl, 1509.

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本日3月6日は『ミケランジェロ・ブオナローティ(1475-1564)』の生誕545年の誕生日です♪ 🇮🇹イタリアのトスカーナ州アレッツォ県にあるカプレーゼで生まれました。イタリア盛期ルネサンス期の彫刻家、画家、建築家、詩人。生家は博物館になっています。

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◎대한민국 1등 작가DB 사이트, 뮤움

[작가] 오늘은 이탈리아의 조각가·건축가 『미켈란젤로 부오나로티 (Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1475.03.06 - 1564.02.18
● Artist CV: https://t.co/lb9u5LHsSl

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We know from records he eschewed luxuries, dressed slovenly & took little care over his appearance. He even exhibited a badly broken nose. Here’s a bust of him by Volterra (1564-6). He was deeply religious but also gay. He sublimated his urges in his art.

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nació en 1525 Carolus probablemente el más influyente del siglo XVI. Entre 1564-1565 viajó y recolectó por gran parte de España y Portugal y en 1576 publicó la que puede considerarse como la primera flora ibérica

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Michel-Ange (Caprese, 6 mars 1475 - Rome, 18 février 1564 )

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Michelangelo died in 1564. Painter, sculptor and architect, writer of sonnets, he was the first artist recognised by contemporaries as a genius. 'The Entombment' is one of maybe only three surviving panel paintings by Michelangelo: https://t.co/TzUqpCjgGz

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