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Romance Journal Issue 03—Creation by Roanne Adams

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EAST OF WEST final arc of EAST OF WEST begins now. preview: https://t.co/fLxdrhJaSw

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03— Twist someone’s arm

“พี่รู้ไหม ว่าถ้าพี่มีแฟนเป็นนักบาสพี่จะได้อะไรบ้าง”

Dek-d | https://t.co/eMFWhqyXob
RAW | https://t.co/9TqKtR6w2B

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Tengo mucho que decir respecto a este dibujo :v
1— una emoción mía
2— no está muy bien planeada así que tal vez la retomé luego xd
3— no hay xd

So... Espero y les guste❤️🤷🏻‍♀️

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Dejenme con mis "logros" que yo no soy pro player como ustedes.... Ahora me siento inutil :'3—se va a llorar a un rincón —

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I guess "cutiemark" just means any specific shape in their fur pattern, in which case the star on Saq's back counts, right? At least I'll count it—

Also I wonder if Saq's earrings count as piercings? If yes, end result is 19, if no, 13—

Could've been edgier :D

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bem, me desculpe se estiver feio, é bem difícil desenhar no cell. —3—)

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SNOTGIRL big day is finally here—Lottie and Esther are launching their fashion line! preview: https://t.co/btkSXqELKM

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It's something I've been squealing over throughout the last two weeks, but I'd actually drafted these all the way back in 2013— between the very first sketches and the completed concept, Fairy type was announced. Perfect for these fairy-ferrying pups!

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