Marvel release the "Betty tapes up Namor's ankle wings" story. I know it must have happened at some point bc Betty didn't hesitate here. Lol

1 6

the constant back and forth with Atlantean skin tones is throwing me off, but its been an ongoing issue since we first saw Namor's servant.

0 1

Thanks for Marvels Snapshots: Sub-Mariner, it's now my favorite Namor comic of all time. You addressed Namor's PTSD issues & how Betty felt after the war. As a huge Betty/Namor fan I really appreciate it. I love the art to death. Thank You!

1 6

LRT "Betty Dean, a mild mannered American woman" she literally never lets Namor get away with shit without challenging him but ok...

That aside, the review says they actually touch on Namor's PTSD! Like that doesn't get acknowledged enough so I am very excited for this comic.

1 16

Rereading saga of the sub-mariner.
Leo: I love you Fen.
Fen: I like you.
These are Namor's parents, he gets his "pouring his heart out omg will you marry me" romanticism from his dad and everything else from his mom.

0 6

If I just stopped holding myself back & actually went into a full rant about how Tiger Shark is a big part of Namor's mythos & why he should be the dark mirror to Namor's character & how Marvel needs to realize this, then the world would not be better but I'd feel better.

0 6

Dorma: Oh I must lay here and talk about how much I love Namor, oh woe is me, a poor female who cannot do much more than weep-

Someone: Namor's in danger again


1 5

I JUST realized in this amazing cover by that I can see Namor's reflection in the water, which reminds me of that talk between Amadeus and Namor in issue 1. I'm loving the parallels between the two leaders.

5 9

Today is the thirteenth of Sun's Dawn, the Feast of the Dead. In Windhelm, the name of all 500 of Ysgramor's Companions are recited as part of the feast.

31 235

Seeing Heroes Reborn reminds me of Namor's outfit during that time, a speedo, a vest, and the under arm wings. Dorma was probably trying to kill him for his sense of fashion

0 9

literally most of Namor's kids are carbon copies of him bc Marvel doesn't know how to do character design apparently

0 1

Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary
I love Namor's very cute long pointed ears in this issue

2 5

Magneto. He defends Namor's prowess to his followers and not to mention he once spied on Namor in his astral form.

0 1

One of the best things about Namor is his complete and utter disregard for human authority figures.

Namor's been fist fighting the cops since 1939

4 30

I'm okay with Namor's iconic eyebrows getting changed to look more handsome but I kinda wish they stick 50-60% original eyebrows design. I find him kinda unique when they used his weird eyebrows design.

1 5

Presentacions de aquesta vesprada a la de Castelló:

🕔A les 17 h

🕔17:20 h
'Vint-i-un poemes d'amor', d'Adrienne Rich

🕔A les 18:30 h

5 11

I just noticed Namor's bag, an Atlantean made pack he was carrying in the flashback scene. I love it.

3 13

Okay, who do I blame for the Golden Age Torch's hair in this image? Is it ? Can I blame him?

I'm still trying to get used to Namor's new look; I don't think I can handle The Human Torch's fire mullet on top of that...

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