17 casually give Venti windblume festival-exclusive applebloom cider so he will come home.

Please come home ya dek, kasian abang zhongli sendirian udh tua haha.

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Lachlan: *as Sweetie Belle rubs his tummy and Scootaloo brushes his tail, he offers Applebloom his paws*

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Lachlan: Me too!

Celestia: Shall you lead the way, Applejack?

Applebloom: Wait, ain’t Rainbow comin’ with us?

Applejack: Of course she is, she’s meeting us up at our first campsite, let’s not keep her waiting!

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Sweetie Belle: A-As a friend!

*Applebloom and Scootaloo giggle*

Applejack: Forgot to mention, we have somepony very special joining us on this camping trip!

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Applebloom: And, we know WHO you’re in love with!

Sweetie Belle: *scoff* Yeah, right, you can’t guess who.

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Lachlan: *racing around Ponyville without a care*

*the CMCs saw from the clubhouse*

Scootaloo: Hey look! That’s Lachlan Dingo, Celestia’s son and Rainbow Dash’s best buddy!

Applebloom: Fastest puppy in the world!

Sweetie Belle: *giggles as hearts pop around her*

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Applejack: Applebloom! Oh thank Celestia yer alright! *they hug*

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Scootaloo: I’m Scootaloo, and this is Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom! Nice to meet you!

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Applejack: You too Applebloom!

Lachlan: *excited*

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Re-animated my AJ Applebloom piece with my own characters. Keep a look out for when you can get your own version as a YCH. (no bids, flat price, multiple animations, lets see how it goes.)

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Lachlan: I was following Applebloom just in case she got into trouble... hehehehe...

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Applebloom: I remember! June 23rd, 2002!

Rainbow Dash: And, do you know which animal shelter you adopted Winona from?

Applejack: Definitely! Canterlot’s “Home for Animals”! Why?

Twilight: According to Celestia, Lachlan was adopted from there too! On the same day!

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Lachlan: *nibbles on Twilight’s hoof playfully*

Applebloom: Aww! He’s giving love bites, like Winona!

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Have a portrait of an older Apple Bloom redesign I’ve made 🌸🍎

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(2017 art)
Applejack and Applebloom making pear pie🍎🍐

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Here's a range of expressions I found of Applebloom c:

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Knuckles: Yeah, I admit Applebloom is a cute filly.

Applejack: Uh-huh. *stares lovingly at Knuckles*

Applebloom: Oooh, looks like ma’ sis has a crush on Knuckles~

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Here’s Applebloom “& Knuckles”. Had to do the joke! 😅

Guarding the Master Emerald must’ve made Knuckles like some kind of father figure. 😁

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Applebloom: There’s my dolly’s bike!

Unikitty: Why was there a shoe anyway?

Lachlan: *tricks Unikitty* Maybe whoever owned that shoe wasn’t as lucky as us and... he was digested!

Unikitty: WHAT?!? *falls for his trick*

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