Foi pra Rússia só falar bobagem mesmo, aí o Brasil quem arca com as consequências.

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yo vi esa peli del arca y creo que me la regalo mi abuela

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【arca 6th Anniversary Fair Vol.4 2/28まで】
ジュリアンパブリッシングから、arca comics6周年記念フェア。第4弾は、理原先生『元彼×セキュリティ』、池森あゆ先生『柴くんとシェパードさん』、空垣れいだ先生『キノとヤノ』など15作品を30%OFF

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【arca 6th Anniversary Fair Vol.3 2/21まで】
ジュリアンパブリッシングから、arca comics6周年記念フェア。第3弾は、野津ウドン先生『黒猫は狼王子の夢を見るか』、鯛野ニッケ先生『その世のどこか、地図にない国』、星名あんじ先生『30までに死にたい』など14作品を30%OFF

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I am responsible for ALL of the Neko Arca

KEEP IN MIND, I didn't make all of them, but I DID start the invasion.

Here's mine.

But I am sad to see almost none my text made it through, such a shame too, as "professional dart chuffer", and "a pipe bomb for you :)" were bangers.

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My apologies in advance for my ongoing love affair with the illustrations of Don Mak, can't help myself 😸
Commissioned work for the Arca Hotel, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong.

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Katzen will always be my favorite but if I had to pick a non fursona oc as my favorite. 100% my boy arca

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Meet Arca; My failed necromancer turned artificer

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Ma il rotolo non si legge solo dall'alto verso il basso: ogni generazione si dirama in tanti personaggi, che riempiono lo spazio laterale con le narrazioni delle loro vite. Il rotolo diventa una mappa del tempo e dello spazio! C'è anche uno schema dell'arca di Noè! Buona visione

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happy puyo day I wanted to draw a new banner of arca stuff but I lost my laptop pen for most of the day so you get this instead

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Mahou shoujo arca magica ☆

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I'm making some more but rn I've got trinity and Arca 🤞(3rd is by @/Pavoceph)

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『その世のどこか、地図にない国【電子限定描き下ろしマンガ4P付】【ペーパー付】 (arca comics)』(鯛野ニッケ 著) を読み終えたところです

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【arca 6th Anniversary Fair Vol.1 2/7まで】
ジュリアンパブリッシングから、arca comics6周年記念フェア。第1弾は、ウノハナ先生『気まぐれなジャガー』、涼子先生『肩甲骨とワンピース』、久松エイト先生『11人目のこいびとくん』など15作品を30%OFF

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【👑BLアワード2022👑】「BLアワード2022」ノミネート作品が発表となりました📢arca comicsからは3部門3作品がノミネート🥳皆さまの清き一票が作品と作家さんへの力になります💪投票は本日から2月6日(日)まで📝どうぞよろしくお願いいたします🙏🙇

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finished sketch comm for arca! she doesn't have a twit so i can't tag her but this was really fun to draw, even if it was a lil challenging LOL

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