I created these amazing pieces using AI art for the art competition.

As a lover of abstract, I present abstract interpretations of "Black is Beautiful" and "House of First"

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We added the Bot to the House of First Discord & want to showcase it by running competition!

For the next week, eligible community members can tag & submit their entries with the hashtags! GL!


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I call this “Metaverse Mission”
I created this AI art in the Discord for the
Please like and retweet if you enjoyed this work

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12/6~12/11 @ Artcomplex Center of Tokyo。

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Tbf you didn't say just one, and I've been drawing in this style for a long time, so here's a few lol

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I already won a Scorn contest by GOG,
I really don't need another prize (If I won)

However, I love this game so much that I needed to participate, if only for fun!
Thank you Scorn Crew!
This project is very important to me since it's first teaser!

This was fun!~🧠

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‘Veiled Surrogate’ [Watercolor]

This is my entry for the

I had a ton of fun painting this and I loved the game. I hope to win and get the art book 😭

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Artcomplex Centerの吉田有花さんとじん吉さんは本日最終日。吉田さんの赤い世界は相変わらずディテールが「それです!」って感じ。じん吉さんは最初の一服少女に恋に落ちました。画集にサインしてもらう時、好きな食べ物を聞かれたので茶碗蒸しと答えてしまって、これじゃ茶碗の絵だ!家宝っす。

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Wish I had more time, but it was fun creating a piece for the

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Tried to capture that enchanting moment 👀

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