If you ever mess with Someone like leafax well u fucked so badly-

6 23

Airterriorist: REXSY WHY ARE U SO CALM ABOUT THIS?! NEXT TIME DONT ENTER HIS DAMN TERRITORY- (just to let ya know Stegers Territory is actually Where The training for Keties began)

7 34

The Buff Muscle Boi with deadly martials Arts Style (random Doodle Of Roken I Made)

3 27

Stegers: Are you Ready To change This entire history Brat?! Cause we be doing Some special training On This Area for you able to mastered that Power of solarium energy of yours! (Keties decide to join The Dino tear squad cause yus-)

7 26

(New ocs reveals) 3 of those characters will be included As Canon main storyline (which one is your favorite?)

4 27

Sina being recovered from her injury against the corruptium (You have to give her some credit here since she's had to move far away from her kingdom just to not get killed by Eviclone army and her Dad is fuckin dead and she almost fuckin die aswell)

8 42

HIS SPEED I CANT BARELY SEE IT WHAT IS HE?! (the First ever encounter kinger and he's the second fearsome corruptium villain ever faced after Eviclone is defeated)

6 21

I WILL NEVER FORGIVE U FOR WHAT U DONE TO HER YOU MONSTER!! (Awaken Kenki Maxso forms A.K.A Raged Maxso forms)

11 40

No ordinary killer machine can stand against solarium robot. Now The final blow SLASHER STRIKE!

6 17

Welp he's fucking drowning and Knanis is laughing at his ass While Hes Slowly Suffocating- (and yes I enjoy torturing Axecaler just for fun because he's a bish-)

3 31

The two lady bot going to shoot someone who do some shitty thing- (fun Fanart I did for ma bud-)

15 67

New Aquatistium bunnkie character and I'm proud the design I did for her wondering if u guys like her aswell since I put so much effort into this one character-

13 58

The best solarium Robot gang is all gatter together to protect humanity. lol

3 25

Alright everyone is time to get this lake seamonster some love d r a w h e r. But u guys can freely draw her whatever u like either u guys love her or not :p ( and yes I felt embarrassed while doing this-)

6 49

New chaos knight solarium robot character reveals and it both builded by Chatrose and kano together

7 20