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Perhaps it's time to let Hollywood & "too big to fail" entertainment companies die, but in order to do so, the normie masses will have to overcome their nostalgia addictions, and be ok with not seeing Spiderman or Batman for a long time.

15 74




0 3

突然ではありますが、Travis Mercer先生に依頼したコミッションを!(本当はコミコン前に届いてたのですがつい先延ばしに😅)
ブルース&ダミアンの父子ダイナミックデュオ!何度見ても良い…! バットマンの力強さ、ロビンの不敵な笑み、本当素晴らしいです🥳


41 170

from 25 July 2023
don't miss the unique volume of Bruce Wayne's journey!
a journey into the origins of Batman.
Batman: The knight
Written by Chip Zdarsky

15 60

What did you think of Dick & Damian's time together as Batman & Robin?

278 4624


解禁的活动图🤌🏻❤️ 🤌🏻❤️

11 40

Wonder Woman in Batman/Superman: World's Finest (2022)

252 1401

God i love this panel from batman the brave and the bold

29 174

D U A L I T Y - Bruce Wayne

481 2199

My go to test subject for dirty inks.

101 1074


40 174

Yeah, Batman's gonna beat six superpowered niggas, most of which would count as Avengers level threats seperately, teaming up to kick his spine into his asshole.

12 231