Bumbleby Week Day 8: Bonus/VA appreciation

wanted to make a tribute to the amazing Barbara and Arryn with this prompt by having them (literally) bringing Yang and Blake together, as they've always done ☺️

138 537

Bumbleby Week Day 7: Growing Old Together/Future

I don’t really know how to draw people as older but I gave it a shot XD

56 277

Bumbleby Week Day 3: proposal/wedding

This one's pretty rough and simple since I didn't have a lot of time to spend on it. 😅 Inspired by a photo from my cousin's wedding

41 183

It's bumbleby week so I figured I should try to draw for some/all of the prompts so here's day 1: Atlas Ball

120 465

Grab the next page of Bees-adventure! ❤️

Go here https://t.co/xd03thmbKm to read and get pages 5-7 in high res + prints + other cool rewards! 😍

45 279

Tried to make this cute idea I had, sorry if it looks weird XD

85 363

Vale, también lo subo aquí porque no puedo ser tan cobarde; el fandom lo agradecerá. 🙇🏻‍♀️ No me digáis ná, dejadme.

74 244

This will have two more slides, I just wanted to upload the first one to show that I am working!! I’ll upload all 3 together once I finish them.

2 9

I can’t get enough of my bees! Plus trying out the auto colorize feature. So cool!

28 81

Hereee is Yangs life, more or less XD hope u like it :D *drops patreon link : https://t.co/0GlPKCTwKl * feel free to give it a check :D

41 149

Try to change my mind that they didnt just rekt Adam with ''Stronger than u'' form SU (u cant lose a fight if this song plays on the background)

65 256

So... i did a thing... Yang carrying Blake around.
I hope everyone is having a great day 🍻.

126 438