I added She Persisted to my 2017 BEST BOOKS presentation. https://t.co/wvWdXkK03I

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a great informative read. We giggled every time a spider got squished. We will try - but it is so hard.

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We're all going to want to share this one with students. Powerful picture book.

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had Ss laughing and shouting "Bobbbbb!!" They loved 's "accent" she had while reading 😂🤧

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100 of 180 Treat by Mary Sullivan. Repeat from last year but kids LOVE it so!

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95 of 180 Ah-Choo The animal drawings were HILARIOUS as someone sneezed at them.

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92 of 180 Henry & the Buccaneer Bunnies. HILARIOUSLY funny reading bunny who teaches pirates to read for info.

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90 of 180 Hensel and Gretel Ninja Chicks. Great vocabulary if you're into Martial Arts. Cute story

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All the time in the world. Virgil & Owen Stick Together by

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83 of 180 Blizzard by Kids couldn't imagine the Blizzard of 78 was that crazy.

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77 of 180 Avalanche by Michael J. Rosen. Cute alphabet intertwined with rhyme.

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I added Georgie's Best Bad Day to my 2017 GREAT BOOKS presentation. https://t.co/XTTR0MgMs6

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73 of 180 Cinderhazel by Deborah Nourse Lattimore We've been reading some Cinderella versions.

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70 of 180 Milo's Hat Trick by Jon Agee

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68 of 180 The Dog who Belonged to No One by Amy Hest

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Today's is HOW TO CHEER UP DAD by from | a fun library find

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29 of 180. Great book for rhythm and rhyme. Loved being the pirate voice.

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23 of 180 Flying High by Jorgen Stamp. You never know when you're going to need your friends!

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"Frimp, my man, it's your lucky day!" Wizzil by illustrated by

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3 of 180. Adorable book with some great spider facts. Kids loved it.

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