I forgot what brambleclaw looks like but this cat reminds me of him

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Fan Art of ‘s El tango de roxanne featuring ya faves squirrelflight hollyleaf ashfur And brambleclaw/bramblestar
Check out the M.A.P and everyone involved!
Inspired by .wizard_ and on instagram :)

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brambleclaw lore! he's an intimidating mess of brambles that form the shape of a cat, so he's scary looking to a lot of new cats/ he was scary as a young cat. he doesnt have a mouth but he can speak. he emotes with his shifting bramble and the one eye you can see

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two boys and their big evil dad 🐅
(brambleclaw, hawkfrost and early dark forest tigerstar
concepts for... somethin im makin

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My attempt to make each of Tigrstar's "dark brown tabby tom" kin clones a little different!
Tigerstar, Brambleclaw, Hawkfrost, and Tigerheart!

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me, thinking about how being a medicine cat would’ve been better for brambleclaw’s mental health: man what a let down that they didn’t do that

also me: ……i can do that though

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A tad late, but here's for last week's Young Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw :3c I wonder what they're up to!

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the new prophecy is my favorite arc... entirely because i just love a journey!! how cool it is for a group of cats to traverse a great distance to save their home... love that...

here's a brambleclaw/star!

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The Brambleclaw(Star) traveling along side Stormfur~ Both have a crush on each other and neither ever find out. Tragic.

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FINISHED THE SQUIRREL/BRAMBLE FAM and I'm quite happy with it, Alderheart is my fav tho... a good boi
I've now re-done 10 cat families, got 11 to go, I'm gettin there :3c

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Found an old doodle of Brambleclaw and Hollyleaf

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the biggest family in Warriors I know, FerncloudxDustpelt and their babies, of which only Birchfall is left alive ;n;
Shrewpaw should've not died asnd been Squirrelflight's mate instead of Brambleclaw tbh

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Tigerstar and all of his spawn

another nice thing about my new lineup style is I can do more than just family lineups (although I guess this is technically one) I like comparing all my designs tho

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The TigerstarxGoldenflower family!!! with updated Tawnypelt from one of my previous lineups
Tawny and Goldenflower have changed a TON since my first drawings of them man...

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I joined a collab on Warriors Animo
I took two parts
Brambleclaw making Squirrelflight his deputy (First one)
Goosefeather seeing ghost (Second one)
I made the Goosefeather one first tho, I took BC and SF after I finished GF

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so many cats... and I should technically do more since this is a lineup for my PMV, might split it into diff groups
smth feels off abt Tawny's design to me...

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new prophecy was just a big date. it's brambleclaw x stormfur

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"We are not the kits of Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight."
- Sunrise by Erin Hunter

Iconic yet incredibly overdramatic

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