We added this powerful new Angela Uren to the site the other day to replace the many sales she’s had. Cracker, eh? Superzoom it here:

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This mahooosively atmospheric Angela Uren left us this week. Can you feel the spray? Anyhoo, more from that talented artist here:

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Alan and Gryff and John V3


Photographing some paintings after showed me how…I’d forgotten this little chap.


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Born in 1878: Irish London-based painter (1878-1931)

Portrait of Clara Hughes, 1902

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Born in 1878: Irish London-based painter (1878-1931)

Portrait of The Vere Foster Family, 1907

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Born in 1878: Irish London-based painter (1878-1931)

Portrait of Grace, 1907

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Born in 1878: Irish London-based painter (1878-1931)

Portrait of Mrs. Charles S. Carstairs, 1914

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Born in 1878: Irish London-based painter (1878-1931)

Portrait of Geoffrey Taylour (1878-1943), Fourth Marquis of Headfort, 1915

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Born in 1878: Irish London-based painter (1878-1931)

Self-portrait, 1917

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This delicious still life from the painter’s painter, Neil Bolton sold this week too. More from that accomplished fella here:

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