HEYA!! I’m Clo, a recently pre-redebut VTuber!! I love playing games and drawing, along with doing vtuber model commissions! I tend to get screamy when I’m hype or getting a losing streak, but I promise I’m good fun!

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✨ Hello, welcome to my corner of twt, I'm Clo! ✨

👑About me👑

🌟 I am 18+
🌟I am demisexual/romantic
🌟I have a severe anxiety disorder, including social anxiety.
🌟Please refer to me as they/them if you don't know me well!

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Uh clo clo ya, uh clo clo ya, uhhhh CARIBÚ!

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3 winners will receive a 1” Clo enamel pin by @/Nayeliefox (free shipping up to $20cad) 📌✨

1 winner will receive a coloured sketch OR custom character design 🎨✨

• Like & RT to enter
• Must be following
• No raffle accounts

Ends 5pm PST 4/23

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椅子の生活じゃないおかんの歌うユーミンを聴いてくださったみなさん ありがとうござます
愛着のある椅子 思い出のいすやベンチ 思い出しながら聴いていただけたら嬉しいです

台風が発生したようです 被害が出ませんように

画像 CLOさま タツやんさま

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パンの日 曲が思いつかない時の助け舟ありがとうございました(*´ω`)
童謡でも歌謡曲でもボカロやアニソンも対応してくださる職人様 盛り上げてくださるみなさん 本当にありがとうございました(*´ω`)

高齢者の朝は早い 4時に起きたのでお昼の時間はお昼寝だなww

画像 矢上裕先生 CLOさま

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今日も暖かい歌枠にしていただきました ありがとうございます(*T^T)
そう思う朝枠に来てくださったみなさん ありがとうございました😆


みゅうみゅうおねえちゃま ハピバ🎂

(イラスト 詩鬼さま CLOさま 矢上裕先生)

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my sweet boy ralphie 🥰 character for my tiny game ive been slowly working on for the last 10 months ♥️

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▼Clo(ß)ing ceremony


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My artsona, but their name is Clo!! A very outgoing and bubbly doll who is also a lover of all things eccentric and fun! They also love to design characters, clothes...along with funky gadgets and combat weapons in the guise of toys! 😳✨

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And Clo finally appears, to wish all the a lovely Monday <;
Have a to brighten your week <;

I hope you like it 💙

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Hello, my name’s Tani but you can also call me Clo! I’m a bi disaster that likes drawing mostly cute furry girls. I’m currently in the learning stages of art production and am here to share my progress as I slowly improve! This acct will be mostly sfw 💕

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