Tail Concerto
Año: 1999
Plataformas: PlayStation

5 12

(Syo) SR Fairy Tale Concerto

2 9

(Tokiya) SR Fairy Tale Concerto

1 10

I decided that I'm going to make alternate versions of each Tail Concerto x MGS piece, one with less cutesy designs of the characters, and one that's more faithful to the original designs. Here's a comparison...these are for the MGS 3 scene/poster of Boss and Snake in the field

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(Tokiya) SR Fairy Tale Concerto

2 10

UR: Fairytale Concerto (Idolized)

0 1

UR: Fairytale Concerto (Idolized)

1 1

It's Waffle time. Yup, all I draw are Tail Concerto characters now, and that's the way it's going to be forever.

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Another Alicia Pris pic...mainly done to test out some new Photoshop brushes

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(Otoya) SR Fairy Tale Concerto CG

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If I'm ever not obsessed with Mir, you know something's wrong with me

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(Ren) SR Fairy Tale Concerto

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【在庫残りわずか!】ラジオ VOICE ACTRESS CONCERTO! アクリルスタンド お肉(再販) 在庫ある分で終了ですので早いもの勝ちですよ~  https://t.co/atglPCze5e

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【在庫残りわずか!】ラジオ VOICE ACTRESS CONCERTO! アクリルキーホルダー&スタンド 藤咲ウサ(再販) 在庫ある分で終了ですので早いもの勝ちですよ~  https://t.co/n2D1sGwe5w

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【在庫残りわずか!】ラジオ VOICE ACTRESS CONCERTO! アクリルキーホルダー&スタンド Ayumi.(再販) 在庫ある分で終了ですので早いもの勝ちですよ~  https://t.co/DQiCHCaz0y

2 0

(Ren) SR Fairy Tale Concerto

0 9

(Otoya) SR Fairy Tale Concerto CG

1 5