Upcoming anime "Ouji no Honmei wa Akuyaku Reijou" newest key visual revealed along with the main characters info and CVs. The anime will be released on TV from January 9, 2022 with a premium version on AnimeFesta. https://t.co/0iQi7tae1o

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CVS Gouken Shinkuu Tatsumaki Kyodaina ender tweaked.: Basics done, what next?

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Comparison, here is the art of CVS2.

Shinkiro returns as the SNK guy (as that is where he made his fame prior to Capcom) but replacing Ikeno is Kinu Nishimura, who worked on art for MVC2 and Cannon Spike

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Another CVS-styled try of Sion Barzahd from The Bouncer.

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Whenever I acquire those disposable giftcards you can buy at stores like CVS I always use those to pay for my commissions. The contents of the Giftcards are never important because they're suppose to be disposable

I just need to find a way to transfer the funds not thru Paypal.

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Sim; Existem vários personagens diretamente ripados da SF Alpha em CvS, que colidem com a arte que optaram pra maioria dos sprites novos em CvS. Engraçado mesmo que eles pretendiam fazer sprites consistentes com a artstyle pro Sagat em Capcom Fighting Evolution, mas não rolou.

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Been a while for this style, well sorta tried some Metal and Lace 2 characters in CvS style. Cool designs anyway.

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Upcoming TV anime adaptation "RPG Fudousan" 1st PV posted with main characters bio and CVs revealed, in addition cast members comments has also been posted. TV anime to be aired in 2022.

1st PV https://t.co/HowZ4XQHMm

Web https://t.co/TqTvHWS0mc

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We're at 14 players for CVS2 tomorrow night!
Thanks everyone who has joined so far. If you know anyone who might be interested, be sure to let them know!

You can sign up at https://t.co/SSXeyoO8g3
We also have a matcherino payout for top 3 and stream going on.
Hope to see you!

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Hello! The Haunted Arcade is hosting a Winner Stays On session this Thursday at 7 PM CEST!

We're going to be playing: CvS2, The Rumble Fish 2 and Power Stone
Everyone is welcome to join!

Discord: https://t.co/SDpwUSwT5v
Twitch: https://t.co/mf9tC0VGqN

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. definitely looking like CvS2 Rock Howard... https://t.co/e0CfRrkG5a

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Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru『その着せ替え人形は恋をする』1st PV revealed with main characters Marin Kitagawa and Wakana Gojou CVs comments posted. TV anime to start in January 2022.

1st PV https://t.co/8li72RXkWY

Web https://t.co/tIsUOSdajv

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this but replace fortnite Ryu with CvS2 Shinkiro Gief https://t.co/HosQ7hp5St

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Cyclic vomiting syndrome (#CVS) causes sudden, repeated episodes of severe nausea and vomiting. Symptoms can last from a few hours to several days. While the underlying cause is unknown, avoiding potential triggers, medications and therapy may help ease symptoms.

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Upcoming TV anime adaptation "Kono Healer, Mendokusai" teaser visuals and PV posted with OP theme song revealed. Main characters (Alvin & Karla) character visuals and bio has also been revealed along with CVs comments.

PV https://t.co/1XHnRem2QP

Web https://t.co/0KBkPvfFSM

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one of my favorite artworks I ever colored in, palettes based off their CVS2 variant action figures

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CVS2 Gouken Basic Kicks set.: Standing Close/Far Light Kick/Standing Close/Far Medium Kick/Standing Close/Far Strong Kick

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