Lan Wangji finally got his hugs ft. another (slightly) squished Wanyin because I love my grape man smothered with love okay 😤

147 405

All of my memories keep you near
In silent moments imagine you here(c)

Мой намертво прибитый хэдканон - ЦЧ в минуты душевного смятения наигрывал на Чэньцин.

Чэнсяневый скетч все тем же набором фиолетовых маркеров. И белым пастельным карандашом.

1 18

Ah yes. Me. My husband. And his (martial) brother he's obsessed with.

594 1366

пока лани разговаривают точечками, чэнсяни думают буковками

ну и кто после этого долбоёб, лань чжань

7 71

очевидно в какой-то момент что-то у них пошло не так

43 354

Ready? Go!

I just wanted to draw modern!AU (¬‿¬ )

61 188

The duality of my hand.... /looking at my ugly ass chengxian petty doodle/ but i still cannot do shadow bleh.

This is binghe, i feel like doodling binghe before sleep, everyday we appreciate binghe 🙌👌✨✨

2 4

《There are two cringe worthy phrases in one's life that must be said, no matter what.” - “'Thank you', and 'I'm sorry'.》

Based on arts by
Wei Wuxian
Jiang Cheng & edit me

19 71

The twin heroes of Yunmeng.

Happy birthday Jiang Cheng and belated happy birthday Wei Wuxian! ❤️💜

240 543

So uuuhh...I literally haven't been able to stop thinking about "aquamarine" chengxian fic so yeah...have mermaid!wwx because I never knew how badly I had needed it until now😭

44 179

Day 5
Memories | Postcanon
Чудесный и атмосферный фф от -
и мои арты к нему для

69 229