dark angels: they're obsessively clandestine and guilt-ridden. they ALSO participate in secret rituals. their original leader fell out with his best bro/mentor so hard that a planet exploded beneath their feet. he had hair like this. they're all super moody and wear hoodies.

0 6

X-Men/ClanDestine isn't great but there is a character with tight shorts that say "Big Boy" on them

1 20

Another commission for the awesome muscleslover87 in DA.

This time, a client is enjoying some hot time in a clandestine restaurant. I wonder why the sexy waiters are bending over and looking so mischievous, though...

17 83

- S.H.H.H, the clandestine anti-spoiler organisation, kidnaps Guy! (for the second time)

5 6

Who’s picking up issue 2 of Read Only Memories tomorrow!?

stepped his art game up 10fold w/ this one. There’s hippie beach gangs, motor unicycles, clandestine shit in the woods- this book has it all!

Thanks & for letting us go wild!

17 61

At last I’m able to read Alan Davis’ The ClanDestine. Such a magnificent display of both story and art, and yet terribly underrated!

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X-Men vs. Clandestine (1996) cover & art by Alan Davis & Mark Farmer

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a fun exercise with the eyes of the clandestine crew (the more main ones anyway)

3 12

15 décembre 1886: naît Wanda Krahelska-Filipowicz, résistante polonaise pdt WW2. Nom de code Alinka. Militante socialiste polonaise.
1942: fonde, avec Zofia Kossak-Szczucka, l'organisation clandestine Żegota qui aide des juifs.
➡️Tomaszewski & Werboski, Nom de code: Zegota.

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Clandestine Traveler :-))

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A squeeze of the hand—enormous documentation—a tiny gesture within the palm, a knee that does not move away, an arm extended...

This is the paradisiac realm of subtile and clandestine signs:
kind of festival not of the senses but of meaning.

— Roland Barthes

6 16

前からインスタでチェックしてたClandestine Republic Ltd.のアートブックがベルリンから届いた。超カッコカワイイ最高だ。

1 14

The specter of clandestine networks that move material and people, is the most reputable smuggler of that hydra of criminal organizations that is Submondo.

In will be a new Aïda Swanson miniature.

5 35

Clandestine commission for 💕 I would marry this character at any given chance

31 244

a comic about clandestine activities - https://t.co/iV9awOtvl8

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“Clandestine” 9”x12” watercolor on watercolor paper 💫✨

7 12

START. Message from the Group Intelligence Reconnaissance & Lady Spies Network (G.I.R.L.S) join your fellow agents at Warwick Suite on Saturday 25th 9-11pm for clandestine meeting. Mission breif & more can be found https://t.co/32UkOasbNB (image by batneko). END.

1 3

Clandestine collaborators D.N.W. celebrate some of the extraordinary stories of the Suffragettes through a C21 lens. Come to the premiere of their new film SuffraJitsu on 26 May & see how the Suffragettes fought back using martial arts. https://t.co/tPIKzRYu3a

3 4

I can see that you're really in the dark. Camilo is involved in clandestine fights, Jane.

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