One of kittymagic's Gen 0 Kitty's. A cute little bobtail tiger.

Listen up. I've never told anyone this, but I once dated a dog. When I'm not tricking babies, I'm tricking babies! Pleased to make your acquiantance.

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You collect but what do your Cryptokitties collect? 🤔
Download the official KittyHats Chrome extension now and stay tuned for a purrrfect coolaboration between and .

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One of my beautiful rare Gen 1 kitty's. The only Gen 1, at present, containing the cattributes wasntme and slyboots together.

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One of my rare, Gen 2 kitty.

Yo. My cousin twice removed is Andrew Jackson. It's not common knowledge, but my ancestry connects me to Picasso. Let's make magic together.

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The only Gen 1 containing scarlet, purplehaze and chronic together.

I'm a professional Manicurist and I love bananas. I once got in a fight with a wombat, and won. Maybe you and I can be partners in crime.

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Hey cutie. If you also love to wear snap-backs, we're probably meant to be together. It wasn't heavily publicized, but I once had a brief relationship with Cat in the Hat. I think you'll love me beclaws I have cattitude.

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Rare Gen 1 kitty.
Sup playa! I believe the wizarding world of Harry Potter exists, and it's the world's best kept secret. When I'm not running a podcast, I'm running a podcast! Let's make magic together.

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My newest Gen 1 kitty born today on Cryptokitties.
Good day, I once coughed a furball up on Mother Theresa's cat. I went on an Eat, Pray, Love trip with a rabbit. Can't wait to sing karaoke to Wutang with you!

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At the moment the only Gen 1 on Cryptokitties with cattributes limegreen and morningglory.
G'day. I once coughed a furball up on Amelia Earhart's cat. I was voted most likely to get wet in college. Let's get woke together.

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Cool new kitty born today on Cryptokitties.

Mahalo! I'm Kitty In high school, I was voted school jock. My friends describe me as "seductive." It's... accurate. In time you'll learn how purrfect I am.

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One of Cryptokitties new born today.


Ciao! I'm Kitty All you need to know about me is I hate steak with a passion. Some people say I'm the Marge Simpson of the group. I hope we can be pawmates.

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Kitty born today at Cryptokitties.


*waves*! I'm Kitty I want to live in a world where people believe the world is flat. My secret indulgence is salad. Let's pawty!

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One of today's new Cryptokitties.


Yo! I'm Kitty All you need to know about me is I hate salad with a passion. Some people say I'm the Ron Weasley of the group. We're so fur-tunate to have found each other!

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In CryptoKitties, users collect and breed oh-so-adorable creatures that we call CryptoKitties! Each kitty has a unique genome that defines its appearance and traits. Players can breed their kitties to create new furry friends and unlock rare cattributes.

The future is meow.

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Cryptokitties the star of Cryptocollectibles, one of the World's first blockchain games.  I just love these kitty cats.

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“A cat never discusses his business with humans, not even Princesses.
A cat never explains and never apologizes. 
A cat never alibis. 
You must accept a cat as it is and for what it is and not expect more than the pleasure of its company.” 
- Terry Brooks,

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Brand new kitty just born on Cryptokitties.  

 So cute, just loving this game.

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Loving the new look Cryptokitties.   With new cattributes released today, babypuke, pumpkin, wonky and thundergrey.

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