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King, main persona. Prefered to be drawn if I'm needed to be represented. Design is very loose, as long as it has a royal vibe to it, be it medieval or modern.
Es brodelt in der CDU:
Merkel und Kramp Karrenbauer wollen Merz verhindern.
Astronomie und Astrophysik sind Felder mit vielen offenen Fragen, die unser Verständnis herausfordern. Ob hier die Philosophie helfen kann, die richtigen Antworten zu suchen? RZ091 Philosophie und das Universum https://t.co/8so13pp4Ib /mit @sianderl #metaebene #podcast
Weil mir aktuell die Ideen etwas ausgehen, frage ich mal hier nach Ideen qwq (Ach ja Emit Saphirian is auch erlaubt! Er ist Saphirians böse Persönlichkeit! Der auf den anderen Bildern. Also der Typ mit den Roten Augen. ABER Er is trotzdem lieb zu SecondBergNo owo)
Send Halp. QwQ
@takanashikiara Heyo!
Können gerne mal drüber plaudern.
Hatte schon ein paar coole Projekte in der Gaming/eSports Szene etc. und mach es auch hauptberuflich.
Hier ein paar meiner Logoentwürfe:
Good Stuff btw. mit deinem Projekt, kannst stolz auf dich sein! :)
now is time to run! cuz now is turn of Painwheel, and this edit is based on a young woman, who losted his family when she was a child.. and was founded by the militaries..the boss of them, take her has his adoptive Child, the name of this girl is Leona Heidern.
Romance is timeless, ageless -- eternally nostalgic, and yet always modern. I send my thanks to the buyer from Japan who purchased an art print of Stolen Kiss -- https://t.co/wOhaMrVxpU. May it take you to a place of intrigue and delight.
#love #kiss #romance #nostalgia #art
#DGStober2020 day 7 - modern. you can't convince me maria wouldn't dress like this if she had the chance.
it was also fun translating her confusing hairstyle into something contemporary
Ohne Scheiß. Ich wünschte ich wäre ein Genshin Impact Fanboy alter. Die Charaktere sind zu cool. Wenn @AsashinTV & ich irgendwann zu spät auf den Hype springen werden wir schon bereit sein mit YouTube Profilbildern. Razor ist great. Und musste draus nen Meeper machen xD
drew sindel, based on her deception costume. I rlly like it but i wanted to make it a little more modern. #sindel #notmysindel #mortalkombat
the 3rd one is supposed to be an attempt at recreating the look seen by Ohshima in the early Sonic concept art.. just with Modern.
Doc Shaner is one of the best artists & the closest thing we have to Darwyn Cooke in capturing the bright optimism & heart of the Golden Age but keeping it modern....
And Zack Snyder’s incel army made him quit Twitter because they thought his opinion was about Snyder’s films
right so. Alexis' visual design. Since she's not physical DPS like the other DMC ladies, I opted for opposite kind of silhouette. Loose, flowing clothes instead of form fitting. Modern. GAwfik. didn't start that way tho.
Fragonard created this exquisite image of a young girl reading c1776. The painter worked intuitively when it came to colour & brushwork. His approach is surprisingly modern. A stunning work.
『smooth criminal』白坂小梅
Vergangene Nacht gab es einen Raidwechsel in #PokemonGO! Ihr könnt nun bis zum 18.9. Cresselia in Legendären Raids herausfordern. Alle Infos zu den neuen Bossen findet ihr hier bei uns:
Raidguide zu Cresselia: https://t.co/pb4jD2hRoc
Neue Raidbosse: https://t.co/lSSixRJtnd
I am thinking of doing original story canons based on Mahsha, Luke, Sir Pumpkin, and Fine Barista with animation. Mahsha will be based of Africa, Luke will be mixed steampunk/cyberpunk, Sir Pumpkin in real world setting, and Fine Barista in passive steampunk/modern.