
1 2

The polyjuice potion
Marathon harry potter kayaknya cocok ni mumpung

0 0

If you're tagged, share your
-last song you listened to
-15th picture in ur gallery
-tag 9 mutuals
Biar ada kerjaan

Too lazy to tag so if any of u see this feel free to just do it uwu https://t.co/jwfYhy9wEZ

0 0

Becareful everyone, take care & don't forget pray

1 8

terakhir untuk sesi ini..
req dari

maaf yang belum sempet kugambar ya .
tetep follow aku aja , next bakal sering2 kasih giveaway gini kok .

Tetep jaga kesehatan dan

4 23

bikin belajar watercolor pake clip studio yuhuu

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Lagi banyak banget pikiran jadi gabisa tidur. Ngegabut yaudah bikin beginian aje special pake telor untuk biar tetap semangat dan
Oiya saya open Commission juga hehehe

2 9

Giveing support for all medical team contribution for healing and helps many people positive covid19

0 7

Problematika pengguna kacamata saat memakai masker. Please stay safe everyone!

6 4

If you're tagged, share your
•last song you listened to
•15th picture in your gallery
•tag 6 mutuals

Biar ada kerjaan.

0 0

mengapa harus ?
penyebaran virus corona sangat cepat untuk memperkecil presentase nya makanya diam lah dirumah 😷 lakukan aktifitas yang menyenangkan agar tidak bosan saat mengisolasi diri seperti memasak, bermain game, bercocok tanam,dll.

3 4

Remember that you're helping our frontlines by doing self quarantine and keep staying home 🙏
Tag your loved ones, stay safe ❤

1138 3717

because I'm and
I open some slot for portrait illustration commission, price started from: 50K~ (price multiply upon your request)
thank you and stay healthy!

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