Hi! I'm Vane, a Spanish artist who's studying Graphic Design! I mostly create illustrations featuring plague doctors, comic heroes, tarot art or characters from books! ✨
Thanks for the artshare! 💜💜

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With all the chatter over the Blu rays & ‘s mesmerizing covers, I have a thought;
When we inevitably get to the First & Second Doctors, the covers should be in brilliant full color, correct?
Not sure where the whole fandom would stand on that? 🧐🤔

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Howdy Folks! I'm your pal Bunster! I like to draw plague doctors, toons and unpopular characters! (Oh and horror)

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Plague Bird Doctors, strange beings that fly across the land to treat any patient with their mysterious and creepy methods. They rarely speak, use their feet as hands and no ones has ever seen one without their mask.

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On the 3rd of Doctors, the Tardis brought to me... Jon Pertwee all Christmassy...

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Children with aged 8-16👂- Help us create a new questionnaire that will help doctors, audiologists, and other health care workers understand tinnitus better! Sessions taking place across the UK. Email:harriet.smith.ac.uk for details

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Oh yeah also also.... when I was getting dressed to leave for the doctors, a mouse ran across my floor! LIKE BRUH!

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i feel really.. gross. cuz i have a stupid wisdom tooth removal appointment tomorrow and im HORRIFIED OF UH DOCTORS, DENTISTS...so i drew a lil yellow spinel for myself..

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hey we spent a lot of money (doctors,clothes)
and we need money to eat meh
AND u can help us to make our dream come true - sphinx cat heh

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Undoubtedly has been one of the best doctors, for his charisma, his performance and also some of the best companions!

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From a series on doctors, patients and nurses by Robert Osborn.

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i don’t wanna go to chicagooooo it’s cold and stupid and i have to visit my doctors, nooo i don’t wanna i don’t wanna!!

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Today’s Find: “The Cobweb” is a 1955 film https://t.co/zKYL4kQI11 Based on William Gibson novel https://t.co/3XQZjRqQWX The intersecting lives of doctors, staff & patients at a large psychiatric hospital are filtered thru an epic battle over new curtains for the library

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hey what up I'm unfashionably late from the doctors, but I'm still your friendly resident acearo aussie drawing soft gals + cute critters + wlw comics and shitposting about my girlfriend!


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as a further testament to my thirst for old doctors, I have drawn a dakimakura, because yolo

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ThanksAMillion ToThe Fantastic Ambulance Staff From The Brilliant Nurses, Doctors, Surgical Team & All The Overwhelmed,Underpaid,Patiant, Professional StaffAt Who All Cared For Me 77yrOld Ma Who BrokeHerHip in a Fall on Tues/Night

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‘Jauhar joins a distinguished group of Asian-American doctors, such as Atul Gawande, Siddhartha Mukherjee.. who are all gifted authors...(he) tells the fascinating and rather wonderful history of cardiology’ -

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tsurumitober, day 2 - modern
i tried to give him classy clothes but i dont think i succeeded lmao
i think that in modern his scar wouldn't be that bad thanks to modern doctors, but the skin would still be weird & wrinkly + no eyebrows (but i also like the eyebrows look so. both)

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moon aligned doctors, they do soul dream things!

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Francis or Frank is a mechanic, he works in a Motorcyclist's workshop, he is very reserved and does not like to live very much. He hates the company, the doctors, the elevators, lawyers, the sewers, the hospitals, the police, it could be said that he hates all

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