Eldritch horse gods. ( Winsor & Newton black and golden inks, red promarker and cold grey Ecoline)

4 6

Hi. I use mostly watercolors (ecoline) along with some digital touches for shadows and lighting. Hope you enjoy ✌

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Acht grachtenhuizen. Pen, inkt, ecoline ❌❌❌

3 10

After a million tests I can finally say I can use watercolors in a decent way.

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I saw the Brother bear movie first time last week and I really loved it. Such a nice and strong story. <3

100% watercolor painting. :) Hope you like it.
Brother bear belongs to Disney

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まずはイラストを♪今回はNADEさん( )に素敵なジャケット絵を描いて頂きました!

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Day 5 of !! The theme was long, so I chose for a long neck!

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Fanart: Hero the hedgehog 🦔🥇
Hero, I will miss you!

5 40

ecoline colors & india gold ink arrived today,tested them right away with Pongorma

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For Cdc of this month, detail. |
, ,

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I told you I would have redone the geometric shapes, and I'm satisfied now

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[Ecoline pastel red]

에코라인사의 액체형 물감!이지만 딥펜에 찍어쓰면 잉크가 된다(?). 첫번째 두번째는 본디 물감 색으로 완전 연하고 예쁜 핑크. 에코라인 물감은 다른 색과 함께 블랜딩하기 굉장히 쉽고 예쁘다. 3, 4는 노랑 보라

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