Golden Tiger

Romanised Name: Gōrudentabītaigā
Also known as: Golden Tabby Tiger
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Panthera tigris
Conservation Status: Endangered
Japanese Name: ゴールデンタビータイガー
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown

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African Rock Python

Japanese Name: アフリカニシキヘビ
Distribution: Africa
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 27 years
Romanised Name: Afurikan ishikihebi
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Python sebae

6 14

Angel Devil when he discovered humans would risk their lifespan just to bang him

(Someone calculated the time you can bang him before dying🪦)

Artby me

8 36

Oriental Stork

Japanese Name: コウノトリ
Romanised Name: Kōnotori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 48 years
Scientific Name: Ciconia boyciana
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Endangered
Distribution: Asia

6 21

Spectacled Hare-Wallaby

Diet: Herbivore
Romanised Name: Megane usagi warabī
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Scientific Name: Lagorchestes conspicillatus
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: メガネウサギワラビー
Distribution: Australia

8 25

the duke just lost 10 years of his lifespan in one day

60 440

Ryukyu Ken

Diet: Omnivore
Also known as: Ryukyu Dog, Ryukyu Inu
Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
Distribution: Unknown
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 12-15 years
Romanised Name: Ryuukyuuken
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Japanese Name: リュウキュウケン

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Barbary Lion

Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Conservation Status: Extinct in the Wild
Romanised Name: Bābariraion
Scientific Name: Panthera leo leo
Distribution: North Africa
Japanese Name: バーバリライオン
Diet: Carnivore

6 14

King Penguin

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 26 years
Distribution: Unknown
Romanised Name: Kingupengin
Scientific Name: Aptenodytes patagonicus
Diet: Piscivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: キングペンギン

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Average Lifespan in the Wild: 70 years
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: ジュゴン
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Diet: Herbivore
Romanised Name: Jugon
Scientific Name: Dugong dugon

12 39

It's been long enough that it's not super verified anymore, but the way I heard it, Sega wasn't very happy with the continued lifespan of the Archie comics, and certain members of Sonic team didn't like the characters or the world. It was too different from "their" Sonic.

12 91

you have to be careful around angel devil, not because you’re lifespan could be shortened but because you could accidentally step on him

71 474

Fair warning, side-characters, especially ones with no supernatural abilities, generally have short lifespans in Liam Vickers' stories.

7 29

Cape Lion

Romanised Name: Kēpuraion
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Panthera leo melanochaitus
Japanese Name: ケープライオン
Average Lifespan in the Wild: N/A
Conservation Status: Extinct
Distribution: South Africa

8 21

Raccoon Dog

Scientific Name: Nyctereutes procyonoides
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: tanuki
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Also known as: Tanuki
Distribution: East Asia
Japanese Name: タヌキ

6 22


Distribution: Southeast Asia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10-25 years
Diet: Omnivore
Japanese Name: ビントロング
Also known as: Bearcat
Scientific Name: Arctictis binturong
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Romanised Name: Bintorongu

7 18

Brown Greater Galago

Scientific Name: Otolemur crassicaudatus
Also known as: Thick-Tailed Bushbaby
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Diet: Insectivore
Japanese Name: オオガラゴ
Romanised Name: Ōgarago
Distribution: Africa
Conservation Status: Least Concern

6 20

i felt years of my lifespan get shaved off in real time as i made this

0 85

every time they interact 10 years are added to my lifespan

43 263

Komodo Dragon

Scientific Name: Varanus komodoensis
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Japanese Name: コモドドラゴン
Romanised Name: Komodo doragon
Also known as: Komodo monitor, ora (land crocodile)
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30 years
Distribution: Indonesia

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