Magnebell, also called The Core Of The Void in Deep Laboratories, is an advanced robot that works has a prison for a strong entity, she is very immature and goofy, luckily she dosen't know her full potential, oh yeah she loves dubstep music

8 40

Iris, the best girl, as an Ashour-Drone! Mainly to calm down from a bad day at college that was today.

4 15

Quick Fembot Daisy because I felt like it. May do Peach and Rosalina in a similar style someday

1 8

Let's have some old 0079 designs
The draft of the Gun Cannon (yes, with a space) looks almost like what we finally got while the Gun Tank is a beep-boop 80's sci-fi robot with Fembot boob-guns.

1 18

Uhhh... Transformers content...

Whomst is your favorite fembot and why 👀👀👀

38 224

After so many attempts, i FINALLY just BARELY beat the Wall Of Flesh in master mode, wHaT cAn PoSsIbLy Go WrOnG nOw?!

5 25

Um... assuming Google Translate got the translation right, here's a Fembot Hatsune Miku I've been dying to do for a while (I bet no one will guess what her bodysuit's based on 😏)

2 13

Bored Fembot Art Dump
1) A Fembot Zooey getting reprogrammed (she's one of my fav fembots)

2) Girlfriend from FNF as an Ashour-Drone!

4 18

Since you guys seemed to like the Adopt A Bots, I introduce you all to.....

Adopt A Bot Originals!

As thanks I'll be putting these wonderful fembots up for sale for anyone interested and it's first come first serve 👀💦

Make sure to read the commission rules before purchasing!

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Those are my main fembots.
I'm more a Cyborg creator, but i can find something manly in my old drawing. Maybe

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Polarity with a drill?
MMMH i wonder what game i started play MMMMHH...

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NOPE! I haven't forgotten about Chrohypnovember Trigger at all! Well, Lucca's enjoying it for sure ^^
There'll be a delay for the other pics, because I have exams starting tomorrow, so sadly, I won't be able to finish all of them in time.

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Because I love being random, here's Kid from Chrono Cross getting the fembot treatment

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Well, Marle and Lucca know how to scare our gud boi Crono, given what happened last time lol
Marle's half-hypnotized and is using that against Crono lol

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Toil and Trouble..two transformers perfect for Halloween designed by
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