Crash. Carl doesn't have that sort of luck.

3 6

Super Warm. There he goes again, walking around in flames.

6 11

Super Chill. The crowd has it's limits.

6 10

One is the Loneliest. Carl is one number closer to his demise.

3 12

Life Saver. Carl's head shinks.

5 12

No Vacancy. Carl's got a lot of work in the minutes ahead of him. Also... welcome back Lucy.

3 7

Success. Duffy's got his standards.

2 11

Run it by the Wife. The simple life ain't so simple.

8 11

The Quiet Life. It's a matter of perspective.

4 9

Let it Go. It's a Pot calling the kettle sort of thing.

7 10

Boom. The new guy make boom-boom? No that's wrong.

9 13

Options. Duffy's got his options down.

7 16

Owning Up. Carl is a snake of action.

4 12

Flattened. Fool-proof way to check for signs of life.

7 6

Let's get this straight... Carl defines the issue.

8 10

Man Crush. Something got a break...

4 10