Yes! I have two.
My first is Caelina, my Garlean WOL. Art by @/moogiedaisuke and @/yllande!
Caelina was not Azem, but an auxiliary member of the Convocation with the title Penemue--Azem's representative in Amaurot while they were away. Her personal name was Pherepapha.

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there's this garlean elezen who shows up like twice and doesn't even have a name or even a generic title so you can't even target him or a single word of dialogue but I want to smooch him. look how unnecessarily attractive he is for a background character

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Maybe if the Garlean nobility looked like this they wouldn't have such a hard time, just saying

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I've been absorbed by and made a Garlean OC to hopefully get involved in RP on the servers..some day... @ __ @

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I was having a bit of a day, and a friend made me this amazing piece. I love it. It gives me such X-2 vibes. It makes me want to perform 1000 words.

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Quick studies based on mid century American painters, featuring Garleans

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Day 21 - A Garlean : Maxima quo Priscus! I really hope he joins the plot again, I miss him.

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How to train your Garlean part 2 🤷‍♀️

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Take Three: I got CSP now, let's paint Legatus Stephano again.

This is just the draft, but gonna get to painting it after dinner.

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✅ Addicted to FFXIV


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Dear pesky Warrior of Light, I have taken Minfilia to one of my 7 Garlean strongholds-

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when ur garlean frenemy does anything towards you

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not even hell can keep me down

barbatus vultur, my current ffxiv main! former conscript of the garlean IVth legion, now a deserter with a hatred for everything garlemald and magitek

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Sketch of Igris, a totally non-suspicious garlean

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FC mate 1; Hey, do you want to help me with Castrum Marinade?

FC mate 2: ...What flavor?

FC mate 3: Garlean BBQ

Me hearing the entire convo on discord from another DC:

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I bring the ethel in some cute winter attire, she is a garlean researcher studying the effects of the crystals on eorza! Granted 9/10 times she ruins any experiments or studies from being a total klutz and getting lost on her travels, which has led to her having a lot o adventurs

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NGHHHHHHH MY FRIEND made this lovely piece of my two lovebirds. Flower crowns for dayssssss!!!

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65 - U'rashi learnt a ton of dirty tricks to survive in Norvrandt and will 100% use them in future battles.

If you think she won't throw a bomb at every garlean she encounters in the field and plant a thousand traps before each battle you're absolutely freaking wrong, my friend.

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