I wish everyone who is wishing for Xiao a very pleasant evening-

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Sketch of concept art xiao before I go to school tmrw and suffer

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Remember this scene? Yeah, suffer with me

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I do dum stuff and l regret nothing xD I Can't unsee screaming catto xiao aaaa
( ・᷄ὢ・᷅)'
Will Xiao ever notice meeee..?

2 30

【The damned will sooner die again than lay a hand on me.】

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also xiao wip

i am still holding on to hope.... please..... . . ..

1 8

Been a while since my last post;; Been swamped with work (naw just lazy hehe 😬) Drew this for good luck with the wishes! ✨🥕🌬

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Even tho he didn’t come home yet I still love him with all my heart!
Baby boy Xiao for Life ☺️
I know I drew his hair wrong but we’re just gonna ignore that xD

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Finished my Xiao fanart~~!! I hope y'all get Xiao! QwQ

....and I hope I'll get him too!!! >w<

5 27

Xiao please come home... don’t be like this😔💦💦🙏🏻

5 16