night everyone ♥ 27followers more go go go kk adG

4 2

[18+ fanart][please dont click if u dont like] no.8 cre the owner. adG *GD why are u staring at....?? lol*

3 5

[18+ fanart][please dont click if u dont like] no.6 cre the owner. adG *cute kkk*

2 4

[18+ fanart][please dont click if u dont like] no.1 cre on pic! adG

6 5

the 2nd another for 루니 xD ㅋㅋ

1 6

super cute fanart!! GRi moment at a Radio program, aw poor baby RiRi :3

6 6

anybody miss our tweets? ㅋㅋㅋ pic spam time go go go~adG

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GRi Fan Art Cr.Shanice

7 0

This fanart is too cute to not post it again and again

6 3

HAPPY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 8

Fanart *Kiss kiss*

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