// religious imagery (??)

Charlie's (Airy's) inferno

74 368

providing my dash of sodapack humanizations , inspired by a lot of people's designs that i liked

3 6

// character death (?)

The enemy of every living being.

38 209

mm thiz iz the mozt amount of detail i can do itz midnight and i got that zhrimp pozture rn zo uh { } https://t.co/ukNiskQ7gD

4 5

Might sell them actually but idk how and idk how business works, help(?)

2 30

i was making assets for fun and HOLY SHIT HFJONE??? AND OWW??? OMGVGWISJWWKS /j

right is the actual assets btw because the ONE ones are UGLY EW HEUAGH--

2 19

aaa hi I'm still on break but I drew airy from one, he's so cute 😭

3 10