HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!! So sorry I'm so late as I'm starting to get busy at school. Can't possibly finish the prompts one by one so here's several prompts in one drawing.

21 70

With at least two jewels possessed, 4 Henries of PBT become legendary among thieves. Yet involved in the conflicts between Gov't and TC, they end up quite differently upon the choices they made.

6 21

Ладно я не в силах это доделать , но оч люблю

11 40

A criminal's goal ends where Toppat throne awaits; yet to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. 4 Henries of RPE handled this issue differently, and led to different lives.

Note: All weaponry and guns are from internet images

10 39

Today I present to you four Henries following RBH. I hope you enjoy my designs, and I'm always open to questions like why I choose specific clothing for a particular Henry
Note: All weaponry and guns are from internet images.

9 26

First post to Henries! Here are my designs for Henries in different CtM endings, with these four following GSPI. Other timelines and characters are on their way.

Note: All weaponry and guns are from internet images

8 21

During all RBH routes RHM was having intense separation anxiety, switching between "Imma tear everyone and everything to shreds" and "pwease, gib me ma husband back :'(". Change my mind.

8 26

Collab with my bestie 🤲❤️
Henry and Ellie - me
Background - her

27 81

"Now Reginald, tell us, are you, or are you not, married to your right hand man?"

24 84

realistically the train would likely come for them before they ever even get into the toppat clan but whatever

28 164

I know RHM's robotic arm is at the wrong side, just wanted to draw him in a cool pose.

31 113